Sunday, August 5, 2012

Cake @ Del Mar Racetrack (8.4.12)

Cake @ Del Mar Racetrack
Oh I should mention I saw Cake a few weeks ago. It was cool if for no other reason that old time sentiment of finally seeing them after 18 years. Sadly no rock and roll lifestyle songs :/

In any case, the band had lots of energy and played two great sets.

The singer John McCrea really loves the vibraslap for some reason. I'd say he played the thing during at least 10 songs. Just one of those things about cake. BOC has cowbell and I guess they have vibraslap. I originally felt McCrea was acting a bit cocky during the first bit of the show and found it moderately annoying. That said, after spraining his ankle in the first set he still went on to play a full second set (albeit elevating) which gained back much of what was lost for me.

Oh and I got a rad old school transistor receiver Cake shirt. Looks much like one of the receivers I have hooked up to my record player. Very cool design Cake, very cool.

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