Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Dodos @ The Casbah San Diego (4.9.11)

The Dodos @ The Casbah
Went and saw The Dodos last night (4/9/11) at the Casbah. The Casbah is the coolest divebar club I've seen a band play in SoCal. Random pool table rooms off to the side and back pasageways makes it feel like a place that expanded organically. You really dont see to many genuine places like that in CA... its all cookie cutter stucco chains...

I got really excited about the opening band "Reading Rainbow" when they opened up. Great sound full of vocal harmonies, driving beats and a cute girl drummer to boot. To be honest though, the use of a floor tom for a kick got kind of annoying after a while and she wasnt able to mix it up enough to keep it interesting. Overall I think they're getting close to something, but she needs to step up the size of her kit or get some more beats under her belt. Maybe a few other layers of bass guitars or keys too...

The Dodos were pretty good, but I was so out of it from the events the previous evening I couldn't quite get into it. Meric used a looping pedal heavily on both his voice and guitar while playing. Not really sure I get why he had a backing guitar, he was so tight with the looping/layering that there wasn't any need. Speaking of which, the backing guitar guy just didnt seem to give a crap last night. He was playing the parts, but any time it seemed there was a bit of improv going on he totally checked out... Logan was pretty nuts and awesome... I couldnt see his entire kit from where I was standing, but I'm pretty sure he didnt have a snare drum, cause I didnt hear one all night.

Even with a massive hangover I was glad I went.

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